57. Coopernook Forest

I didn't get here last night until after dark, so I wasn't sure what I'd wake up to.
Turns out to be quite nice.
Used to be the Forest Headquarters.  A few of the old buildings are still in use.
Coopernook Forest Headquarters
I planned to have a leisurely morning and then pack up and go. It seemed like every time I went to pack up the van it started raining. I didn't want to pack it up wet again. I'm trying to dry it out from all the rain we've had in the last few weeks.  As a result, I'm still here.
Coopernook Forest
On the subject of rain -- it's rained on me 8 days out of the last 10.  Substantial falls, too. I think that I'm the drought breaker.
Tomorrow I want to get up into the Barrington Tops NP, weather permitting.
It's starting to rain here again and the sound of thunder is getting closer.