52. Myall Park

Grevillea 'Robyn Gordon'
Quite a cool, grey morning, ideal for walking around the Gardens which are very extensive.
The Gardens contain predominantly plants of the arid and semi arid regions of Australia.
All sorts of Eucalypts, Acacias, Hakeas, Banksias, Melaleucas, Angophoras, Corymbias, Grevilleas, Brachychitons, Eremophila, Proteaceae in general, etc, etc.
I find the story of Grevillea 'Robyn Gordon' fascinating.  It's a natural hybrid of G. bipinnatifida from WA and G. banksii from Qld.  The original G. 'Robyn Gordon' is still growing in the Gardens. It is about 50 years old.  It is by far the most popular Grevillea grown by gardeners around the world.  One of the most popular flowering plants in fact.  All Robyn Gordons are clones of the plant still growing in the Myall Park Botanic Gardens.  It can only be propagated by cutting, it doesn't produce seed consequently it flowers almost all year round.  Dave Gordon gave it to the nursery trade, he never received any royalties.

The Daddy of them all - Grevillea 'Robyn Gordon'
Grevillea 'Robyn Gordon'
After about 4 hours of wandering around the weather started to cave in.  Sounds of distant thunder heralded the approaching rain.  I high-tailed it back to camp.  I made it just in time. Down it came. It rained and rained steadily for the rest of the day.  I seem to bring the rain just about everywhere I go at the moment.