29. Cooktown

Today was warmish when the sun came out, coolish when a cloud came over and even wettish when it rained briefly.
The Old Hospital, with Mt Cook in the background.

Forecast for the next 6 days: 29, 29, 28, 27,28, 29 and about 19 every night.  I'm tempted to stay on, but I'm kind of running out of interesting things to do.

Had a look at the James Cook Museum today, which is housed in the old Convent. It wasn't bad.  It's got the anchor that was lost when the Endeavour hit the reef, and one of the cannons that was ditched to lighten the load.
James Cook Museum

View from the Convent
Bird of the Day.
Australasian Figbird
There are numerous big, old mango trees scattered around town. They are laden with fruit.
Do NOT sit under this tree.