23. Walkamin

Today I was plucked from the dry Qld outback and dropped in the wet tropics.  I'm still adjusting. After 3 weeks in the arid outback it seems like an alternative reality.
Dinner Falls
I departed Undara and continued east along the Savannah Way through Mt Garnet, Millstream and Ravenshoe.

Today the Misty Mountains are disappearing up into the clouds.
At the Windy Hill viewing area the temp was 18 degrees and it was raining.
Windy Hill

I've decided to head up through Atherton and Mareeba. Maybe spend a few days and do some bushwalks.
It's really beautiful around here.  I stopped in at Mt Hypipamee National Park and did a walk to the Crater and Dinner Falls.
Mt Hypipamee picnic ground

Mt Hypipamee Crater

Staying tonight and maybe the next couple of days at Walkamin.