20. Cumberland Chimney

Departed Normanton heading east along the Savannah Way towards Cairns.
Savannah Way
I thought that today might be a boring driving day but it turned out to be a bit more interesting than that.
First stop - Croydon where they seem to collect and display old buildings the way other towns display old farm machinery.

Men's Hospital - Croydon
There's a 'Heritage Precinct' with numerous old civic buildings still in original condition, some still being used for their original purpose, others converted into museums of their past purpose.

Old Courthouse
I've always thought that mannequins are a bit creepy, but the ones here were particularly so, especially considering that I seemed to be the only living soul moving about in these buildings.
Like an episode of Dr Who
Next stop Cumberland Chimney where I camped for the night. Very pleasant spot just west of Georgetown.  Cumberland Lagoon good for bird watching.
Cumberland Lagoon
Cumberland Chimney

Rufous Whistler