Day 87, Home

Awake at 5:30am thanks to the kookaburras, corellas, cockatoos, magpies, ducks and sundry other noisy birds.
The Ratz is the Kakadu of the South (without the crocodiles).
It was a beautiful clear morning with just a hint of mist on the lake.  A good morning for dawdling.
Early morning, Lake Ratzcastle
Sunrise, Lake Ratzcastle
Eventually I packed up and hit the road.
The going was good through Edenhope and Chetwynd.  Approaching Wando Vale the rain swept in.  I looked at the temperature somewhere around Sandford -- 12°!  Bloody Hell -- welcome home!
It rained and rained for the rest of the way.
The roads are a disgrace -- easily the worst bitumen roads in Australia.
Started to feel quite grumpy.
I was relieved to finally make it to the church and find things in reasonable shape -- the grass is very high, the old tank has escaped from where I wedged it and is trying to do a lap of the property, one starling nesting in the new shed, the new tank full of rainwater, ... Not too bad.
Not too bad!
Similar story at the bay house.  Not too bad.
Hooray, home again.
Over and out.