Day 68, Elliston

Had the best night's sleep for ages.  Didn't hear a single truck or car on the road, and woke up with the sun in my eyes.
Had a bit of a slow morning. Even contemplated staying put for the day in this most peaceful and secluded spot.
I need to do a load of washing and generally tidy up my act though, so I might actually have to pay to stay in a caravan park tonight.
I'm in familiar territory now.  I traveled through here a few years ago, so this time I'm trying to see things that I didn't see last time.
Murphy's Haystacks
The caravan park at Venus Bay was totally full!
Elliston's a great little town.  I've stayed there before so I know that the caravan park is quite sheltered.  The wind was picking up so I decided to head there and see if I could squeeze in.  Lo and behold, the caravan park is quite empty. Go figure.
Elliston coastline

Elliston sunset