Day 65, Nullarbor

Thankfully the rain eased overnight and the morning was cool and fresh.
I got on the road quite early.  First stop - Madura Roadhouse at the foot of the Madura Pass. 
Madura Roadhouse
I never knew that the Nullarbor has a massive escarpment running through it which the road drops over at Madura Pass and then follows along the bottom all the way to Eucla Pass where it climbs up again.
Eucla Pass
Crossed into SA at Border Village.  Soon after, started to get some good views of the sea and beach and the start of the cliffs.
Eventually arrived at the iconic view of the Bunda Cliffs - spectacular!
Bunda Cliffs
It was getting quite windy along the clifftops so I started to look for a sheltered place to park overnight.  Found a good patch of scrub about half a km up the Cook Road where I could tuck myself away.