Day 63, Ten Mile Rocks

Departed Kalgoorlie.  Had a look at the Super Pit on the way out.  It sure is a big hole in the ground.  Apparently it was Alan Bond's idea to buy up all the small adjacent leases and create this massive open cut mine. He didn't quite pull it off before he went bust.
The Super Pit
Took the road to Norseman via Kambalda.
Norseman was a horse that kicked the ground, uncovering a gold nugget, leading to a gold rush and the establishment of the town which is named after him, so the story goes.
Headed towards the Nullarbor.  I intended to go another 100kms but I found myself in a queue of caravans stuck behind a massive piece of equipment trundling down the highway so I decided I'd have an early finish.
Free camping tonight in a pretty nice spot.
Ten Mile Rocks