Day 51, Dunsborough

Headed down the Old Coast Road from Bouvard, until it merged with the new freeway.  I actively try to avoid freeways so I turned off and headed inland, ASAP.
I wasn't really paying much attention to where I was going. Truth be told I probably took a wrong turn or two. Still, you're never really lost in these days of GPS and SatNav. That is, unless you have a GPS like mine which actively tries to get you more lost.  You know that something's amiss when the GPS tells you that you're 10 minutes away from your destination, then 10 minutes later you're 20 minutes away from your destination.
Anyway, I got things back on track at Capel and took the scenic drive through the Tuarts into Busselton.
Ludlow Tuart Forest
Busselton Jetty is supposedly the longest wooden jetty in the world (1841m).
Busselton Jetty
Tonight I'm staying a bit further down the coast at Dunsborough.