Day 46, Three Springs

Went on a wildflower chase today (a bit like a wild goose chase).  Did a loop through everlasting country -- Mullewa, Pindar, Tardun, Morawa, Perenjori, Carnamah, Three Springs.
In spite of their name, the everlastings don't last forever and are mostly finished.  The wreath flowers are still putting on a good show at Pindar, so all was not in vain.  There are other nice things still flowering too.
Wreath flowers

Wreath flowers

Wreath flowers
I also bagged a few more of Mons. Hawes churches.  The one in Mullewa in particular is a beauty.
Our Lady of Mt Carmel - Mullewa
Holy Cross - Morawa
St Joseph's - Perenjori

That might be the end of my Hawes obsession.  There's a little chapel at Yalgoo that I'd like to see, but it's 150kms further inland on the road to nowhere, so I'm not sure that I can be bothered.  There's also the big cathedral in Geraldton, but it's covered in scaffolding and hoarding at the moment.