Day 40, Carnarvon

Very pleasant day in Carnarvon.  About 26°, sunny with a gentle sea breeze.  That's about perfect for me.
I found some suitable tyres for the ute and had them fitted, so we should be good for another couple of months on the road.
Had a pretty lazy day.  The caravan park is even more deserted.  I could lie on the bed with the door wide open and not be able to see anyone else.  I don't know what's wrong with Carnarvon, but everyone else seems to want to cram into Exmouth and Coral Bay. Suits me.  Those Grey Nomads are a funny mob - they love to travel en masse, like the wildebeest on the Serengeti.  I try to observe which direction they're heading and then go in a different one.
In the afternoon I took a short drive to the Blowhole, which is a good one - like a geyser it rumbles and then shoots up.

