Day 39, Carnarvon

At last the wind has dropped - just in time for me to leave Exmouth.
Headed towards Carnarvon.  Called into Coral Bay which is a nice little place at the southern end of Ningaloo Reef, that is if you don't mind sharing it with about 2000 other tourists.  I was tempted to see if I could get a spot in the caravan park, but it looked a bit sardine-like.
Coral Bay
There's fish galore everywhere you look, including this bait ball off the boat ramp.  Marine Parks, eh?
Fish galore
Made it easily to Carnarvon. Found a quiet little caravan park which is practically deserted and booked in for 3 nights.  I need to get a couple of new tyres for the ute, and catch my breath while I plan the next adventure.
Carnarvon sunset