Day 31, Auski Roadhouse

I had another quick look around Port Hedland on the way out.  It's a real gritty, blue-collar collar sort of a place, but the locals seem to like it.  It reminds me a bit of Whyalla. Similarly to Whyalla, everything becomes stained the rust colour of iron ore dust, even new things.
Port Hedland

I've headed back into the interior today, aiming for Karijini National Park, which contains part of the Hamersley Range. Serious iron ore country for the likes of BHP, Rio Tinto, Fortescue, Hancock, etc.
Dad worked near here back in the early 70s (I think?) at Tom Price and Paraburdoo.
It looks more and more interesting as it gets closer.
Approaching Karijini

I've stopped for the night at Auski Roadhouse. I only wanted an unpowered site, but they don't do them so I have to pay full price. Bit of a rip-off, but I wanted to have a shower in the morning.