Day 29, Goldwire

I had the best night's sleep that I've had in ages thanks to the sea breeze.
Up early and on the road to Broome.  The country is very flat and boring.
Broome is quite a bit bigger than when I was last here.  Even back then it was in danger of losing it's charm.  Now I think it's been largely spoiled.
The colours at Gantheaume Point are still as intense, though.
Gantheaume Point
After a good look around I felt that I didn't need to waste any more time in Broome.  If you're not interested in dining out, shopping or hanging out with the beautiful people then you might as well just move on down the highway.
Cable Beach
Free camping tonight in a rest area on the way to Port Hedland.
Next outback adventure might be Karijini National Park, I think.  Still a couple of days away.
I forgot to say that it wasn't a hot day today -- only about 31° -- bliss!