Day 27, Larrawa Station

Yes, you guessed it -- another hot day today (38°)
I packed up and left Kununurra promptly, keen to get as many miles down the road as I could.
The Great Northern Hwy is very picturesque all the way to Halls Creek.  Continuous mountain ranges, interesting rocky outcrops, winding road and a bit of up and down as well.
I was contemplating going in to have a look at Purnululu National Park.  There's a caravan park at the start of the access road.  They do 4wd tours.  At least they do during the season.  Sign on the gate -- "Closed September 30th"!
So on I went.
After Halls Creek the country flattens out.  I'd done a good day's drive so I started to look for somewhere to stay.  Larrawa Station caught my eye -- working cattle station, hot showers, $10/night, ...
I turned off into their drive. The gate was closed.
Fortunately a sign on the gate said "Yes we're open, come in".
Larrawa Station campground
All was well. Pleasant surroundings, lots of room, 1 other van (been on the road 12 months).
I watched the sunset, made some tea, tidied up a bit and then sat out.
Larrawa Station sunset - the calm before the storm

There was quite a good show of thunder and lightning in the distance.  A few drops of rain began to fall. Intermittent gusts of wind were springing up.  "Hmmmm," I thought. "I might just close the van up a bit".  Lucky I did because within minutes the wind and rain were buffeting the van.  Of course the storm was coming from the worst direction -- dead side on, on the door side. I noticed that my bare feet were feeling a bit wet.  The storm was blowing rain through the closed door. I got all the old sponges out and began mopping up the puddles. For a while I wasn't sure if I was winning the war.  Fortunately the wind shifted 90°.  Now it was coming from the best direction. I prevailed and was even able to look out and enjoy the show.
An hour or so later all is calm again and I think I'll sleep well tonight.