Day 26, Kununurra

Somewhere in Australia
Where the sun is a curse
And each day is followed
By one slightly worse ...
Another hot day today (39°).
I left the van at the park in Kununurra and did a day trip down to have a look at the end of the legendary Gibb River Rd.  Legendary for its roughness and corrugations as well as for the spectacular country that it traverses.
Cockburn Range
24 years ago I did a trip up it from Derby to Kununurra and back down the Northern Hwy to Broome.  It was rough back then.  I can safely say that it doesn't seem to have improved much since.  
Cockburn Range
I thought that I might just head a short distance down the Gibb River Rd, to the Pentecost River crossing, just for old-times sake. Well, after having my fillings loosened for a km I turned around and got the hell out of there. 
Yellow Kapok
It's an amazing experience.  The corrugations are such that you need to sit on 80km/hr to smooth them out, all whilst avoiding rocks, potholes, floodways, road-trains, drifting around corners and so on.  The car ahead of me had already ruptured a tyre in the first km!
Hidden Valley
I was glad to get out in one piece.
Mind you, a part of me was thinking "I wish I was heading down that road again in an indestructible troop-carrier with a swag, a tarp, a mozzie net and a fridge full of supplies in the back!". It's great country and I'm glad that it still requires effort to see it.
Hidden Valley

Maximum temperatures for the last 4 days in Kununurra:
40.2, 40.8, 40.0, 39.0.  
See I wasn't just making it up.