Day 25, Kununurra

Another hot day today(40°).
The country continues much as it did yesterday -- never far from a mountain range. It's starting to get that Kimberly feel about it.
I was in two minds about going in to Lake Argyle. It's 34kms off the highway and I've been there before. Anyway, "Why not", I thought as I took the turnoff and I'm glad I did.  I'd forgotten just how stunning the landscape is around the lake.  I spent a lot longer there than I intended.

I'm in WA now and the timezone has jumped again. Sunset is now at 5:20pm local time, which seems a bit odd. I've been in the habit of getting up at first light, which is now 4:20am local time.
I think I might just ignore this latest shift and stay on my own standard time (VST).