Day 23, Katherine Gorge

Now I'm back on the road that never ends
(Arna Georgia)
Well, sadly no rain overnight.  The night turned out to be the hottest, stickiest night I think that I've ever experienced. I had every window, flap and hatch wide open.  I had no sheets, no clothes and the fan going flat-out and still I was sweating!
It's been great, but I've had enough so, after a few short walks on the way out of Kakadu, I've started the long drive south.
Yellow Water

Yellow Water
I was thinking of going through Litchfield NP on the way, but now I've changed my mind. I don't like the idea of backtracking 200kms to get there so I'll have to give it a miss.  I should've stopped there on the way into Darwin.
It's been v. hot today in Katherine and it's still 35° just after sunset, but it's dry heat so quite comfortable. I might have to take cover soon though. The flying foxes are streaming out overhead.