Day 22, Muirella

The sweltering scrub and the blazing flat,
When the heat came down through each old felt hat
In the hell-born western drought.
(Henry Lawson)
Hell it was hot today!!
A bit more rain overnight cleared the air and made for pleasant sleeping conditions.
Today though, was a stinker.  I don't know how I'm surviving it so well, really.  Drinking gallons of water and thanking the VW air-conditioning engineers, I suppose.
It's been a good day, though.
I checked out some rock formations up at Ubirr.

I had a look at the notorious Cahill's Crossing where the big crocs gather, waiting for one false move.
Cahill's Crossing
I spent some time looking around the Nourlangie region - Anbangbang Billabong and rock-art gallery.
Anbangbang Gallery

Anbangbang Billabong
I'm camped for the night at Muirella Park, still in the heart of Kakadu.
Heaps of Rainbow Bee-eaters here as well as various Kingfishers, Honyeaters, Flycatchers, grey birds, brown birds, grey & brown birds, ...  I've left my bird book at home, along with my long lens. Silly me!
Just now, as I write this a few drops of rain fall.  Bring it on down!