Day 20, Darwin

Well, the exciting news today is that it seems that the wet is almost upon us, which is very early.
As I was eating breakfast the sky to the west was getting darker and darker.  "That looks a lot like rain", I thought to myself.  Sure enough a few drops started to fall, then it got progressively heavier, until it was bucketing down.  It went on for an hour or so, by which time I was no longer parked on dry ground.
Singing in the Rain
I've often wondered what the wet season would be like in Darwin.  Now I have an inkling. It's very comfortable whilst it's raining - the temperature drops several degrees.  Very pleasant to sit out amongst it under a verandah or awning.

Afterwards, the sun peeped out and it was really steamy.

Later, a bit of sea breeze kicked in.
I visited a National Trust house that has survived war and cyclones and is a great example of capturing every bit of the sea-breeze for cooling.

I finished the day at the Mindil Beach markets, which run into the evening.  Had some great vegetable curries and saw another great sunset.
Mindil Beach markets
There's quite a bit of lightning around tonight. Tomorrow I pack up and head for Kakadu.