Days 25, 26, 27, Townsville

Sunday I had a look around the suburbs of Townsville. Drove up to the top of Castle Hill, etc.  Lunch at a little café on the beach.
View from Castle Hill towards Magnetic Island

Also gave the van a spring-clean.

Monday, I took my car to be serviced.  Whilst that was happening I wandered around the city centre.  It's quite attractive but just felt a bit dead -- nobody around.  Monday morning l guess?

There was a great exhibition of photographic works by Murray Fredericks called 'Salt' at the Perc Tucker Regional Art Gallery. 
He made several trips to Lake Eyre and took photos essentially of emptiness and nothingness, just patterns and light.  Amazing stuff.  There was a documentary on the ABC about him a few years ago, which I saw, so it was good to see his works in their full glory.

Tuesday, for something different I wandered around some big shopping malls, mainly to escape the heat for a bit.  The heat's getting a bit relentless.  The forecast for next week: 32, 32, 32, 31, 33, 32 and 32.  The humidity makes it feel hotter to me.  It doesn't really cool down at night, either.

Anyway, I've decided to start heading south tomorrow.