Day 20, Carnarvon Gorge to Clermont

Woken up early again by the dawn chorus -- pretty raucous up here -- kookaburras, flying foxes, currawongs, cockatoos, lorikeets, apostlebirds, etc.
Sadly had to pack up and leave.  If you ever get a chance to go to Carnarvon Gorge, grab it!
Headed north again up the Dawson and Gregory Highways.  The country is quite interesting --  mountain ranges and lush greenery.  Not at all how I imagined it.
Went through Rolleston, Springsure, Emerald, Capella.  
Springsure was nice -- massive Minerva Hills National Park towering over the town.
Ended up in Clermont (a pretty non-descript sort of place)
Emerald Railway Station